Comment text here/p>
Markup ist eine schöne Sache, und es hat sich sicherlich im Laufe der Jahre verändert. Was effektiv HTML1 war, ist sicherlich zu einer erstaunlichen semantischen Markup-Sprache fortgeschritten, der wir das W3C danken können. Und was weißt du, das nächste, wofür du ihnen danken musst ist - HTML5.
Im Gegensatz zur vorherigen Version von HTML, wo der Code hauptsächlich eine begrenzte Struktur war, die durch die Verwendung der Klassen- und ID-Elemente bestimmt wurde, versucht html5 wirklich, viel mehr Struktur bereitzustellen.
Das gesamte Layout kann mit semantischen Tags und Elementen erstellt werden, die bestimmen, wie Sie strukturieren sollten und, was noch wichtiger ist, die Ihnen helfen, jede Seite zu strukturieren. Dies erzeugt einen Code, der viel sauberer und lesbarer ist als in früheren Versionen von HTML und wirklich ziemlich erstaunlich ist. Die neuen Tags erfordern wirklich, dass Sie darüber nachdenken, wie Sie Ihre Seite strukturieren, was ehrlich gesagt ist - am Ende ist das eine großartige Sache für uns Webdesigner und Entwickler gleichermaßen.
Bevor Sie die Struktur von HTML5 verstehen und eine Beispielvorlage für Ihre Projekte erstellen und codieren, sollten Sie sich dessen bewusst sein. Seien Sie sich jedoch bewusst, dass die aktuelle Version von HTML5 noch keine Version erreicht hat, die das W3C noch als final bezeichnen könnte, aber es ist ziemlich viel zu erfahren und sofort in Ihrem Code zu verwenden. Hier ist was das W3C zu diesem Thema zu sagen hat:
"Implementoren sollten sich bewusst sein, dass diese Spezifikation nicht stabil ist. Implementoren, die nicht an den Diskussionen teilnehmen, werden wahrscheinlich feststellen, dass sich die Spezifikation unter ihnen in unvereinbarer Weise ändert. Anbieter, die daran interessiert sind, diese Spezifikation zu implementieren, bevor sie die Kandidatenempfehlung erreicht, sollten sich den oben genannten Mailinglisten anschließen und an der Diskussionen . "
Aber lass dich nicht erschrecken. Es gibt immer Leute da draußen, die ständig dafür sorgen, dass es nicht unter uns allen verändert wird. Sie werden also sicher wissen, wenn eine solche drastische Veränderung tatsächlich eintritt. Zurück zum Thema, eine der Hauptfragen, die Leute über HTML5 haben, ist "
Es kam tatsächlich von uns allen. Im Jahr 2005 führte Google ein Studie von über 3 Milliarden Websites und festgestellt, dass die häufigsten Klassen in gemeinsamen Markup tatsächlich waren, was Sie dort auf dieser Seite sehen. Fußzeile, Menü, Titel, klein, Text, Inhalt, Kopfzeile und Nav sind alle unter der Spitze der Beliebtheitstabelle. Und im Wesentlichen hat sich das W3C entschieden, was für die neuen semantischen Tags für HTML5 zu verwenden ist. Nun, da wir davon wissen, wollen wir uns genau ansehen, was diese Tags sind und welche grundsätzlichen Änderungen in HTML5 vorgenommen werden.
Ein Doctype ist nicht besonders ein Element des HTML, aber es ist eine Verlangsamung und eine, die mit der Zeit immer wichtiger wird. Wenn Sie einen geeigneten Code verwenden, kann Ihr Browser verstehen, welche Art von HTML er analysieren möchte, sodass wir immer die entsprechenden Doctypes verwenden möchten. Um ehrlich zu sein, zu diesem Zeitpunkt können Sie den HTML5-Doctype eigentlich nur für alles verwenden - aber lassen Sie uns auch einige vergangene behandeln. Hier sind wir bis zur Einfachheit gekommen:
Ziemlich gut, oder? Sie müssen kein Dokument zum Kopieren und Einfügen in einen lächerlich langen Dokumententyp aufbewahren oder, noch schlimmer, versuchen, sich an die lächerlich langen Doctypes vergangener Versionen zu erinnern. Für HTML5 müssen Sie einfach eingeben . Ah, was für eine Erleichterung.
Bevor wir diesen Abschnitt verlassen, wollen wir uns einige der anderen Elemente ansehen, die einfacher geworden sind. Das Wurzelelement wurde vereinfacht, anstatt wie folgt schreiben zu müssen:
Wir können einfach schreiben:
Die Dinge, die wir kopieren und einfügen müssen, werden von Minute zu Minute kleiner. Zum Beispiel, im Kopfelement, ging unsere Zeichencodierung von Dingen wie:
auf die neuere Version in HTML5:
Und zu guter Letzt haben unsere Links ihr type-Attribut fallen gelassen. Also zum Beispiel:
Wird dies:
Das Abschnittselement ist im Grunde jeder generische Abschnitt eines HTML-Dokuments. In der Regel handelt es sich jedoch um eine thematische Gruppierung von Inhalten, die zwar eine Überschrift haben kann, aber keine erfordert.
Eine allgemeine Faustregel für die Verwendung der Abschnittsüberschrift besteht darin, sie nur zu verwenden, wenn sie explizit in der Gliederung des Dokuments referenziert würde. Wenn es in der Gliederung einen "Abschnitt" gab, auf den Sie verwiesen haben, oder wenn Sie den Eindruck haben, dass der gesamte Inhalt in einem Bereich eine Art "Abschnitt" ist, dann fügen Sie in der Tat das Abschnittstag hinzu. Wenn Sie es hauptsächlich für Stylingzwecke verwenden möchten, tun Sie es einfach nicht . Verwenden Sie stattdessen a
Das "nav" -Element repräsentiert jeden Bereich einer Seite, der mit anderen Teilen dieser Seite oder anderen Seiten innerhalb der Sitemap verlinkt. Immer wenn Sie an Navigationslinks denken, sollten Sie "Nav-Tag" denken.
Das Navigationselement ist insbesondere für größere Navigationsblöcke vorgesehen. Jedes große Element, das mit anderen Abschnitten der Website oder anderen Seiten der Website verknüpft ist. Bedenken Sie jedoch, dass ein Navigationsabschnitt nicht in Form einer Liste sein muss, obwohl das ziemlich Standard ist. Es kann in Prosa, Absatz-Tags oder so ziemlich alles sein - so lange es ursprünglich dafür geeignet war, in solchen Tags zu sein.
Das Artikelelement stellt eine in sich geschlossene Komposition in einem Dokument, einer Seite oder einer beliebigen Site dar. Die wirklich wichtige Sache zu beachten mit Artikel-Tags ist, dass es in der Regel unabhängig verteilbar oder wiederverwendbare Inhalte ist, was normalerweise in den Tags platziert wird. Es kann sich um einen Forenbeitrag, einen Zeitschriften- oder Zeitungsartikel oder einen Blogeintrag handeln, sogar Kommentare - solange es sich um einen eigenständigen Inhalt handelt.
Artikel können "Abschnitt" s in ihnen, "Header" s in ihnen, sogar "hgroup" s in ihnen enthalten. Bedenken Sie jedoch, wann und wie Sie dieses Element verwenden, da es nicht ganz so häufig verwendet wird wie ein
Lass uns in ein Beispiel springen. Angenommen, Sie haben einen Blogpost mit einigen Kommentaren. Sie können das in HTML5 so machen:
The Blog Entry Title
Blog entry
Comment text here/p>
Another comment here
Das side-Element stellt jeden Abschnitt einer Seite dar, der aus Inhalt besteht, der tangential mit dem Inhalt um das side-Element in Beziehung steht. Das Wichtigste, das Sie sich mit diesem Tag merken müssen, ist, dass es sich zwar um Inhalt handelt, der tangential mit dem Inhalt um das Side-Tag in Beziehung steht, aber typischerweise um Informationen oder Inhalte, die in der Eigenschaft getrennt sind. Sie werden es am häufigsten in Sidebars verwenden, da die meisten Sidebars perfekt sind, um vollständig in Side-Tags verpackt zu sein. Andere Verwendungen können Pull-Anführungszeichen, Werbebits, Gruppen von Nav-Links oder sogar Adressen in der Nähe der Adresse eines fraglichen Ortes umfassen.
Um jedoch ins Detail zu gehen, ist es für immer, wenn Sie das Bedürfnis haben, im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes beiseite zu gehen und etwas zu erklären, zu erwähnen, zu erwähnen oder zu hinterfragen. Sie können sogar ein side-Element für einen größeren Bereich einer Website verwenden, z. B. eine Seitenleiste für Twitter oder Facebook oder zufällige Links. Du könntest es als Nebensache haben, dann benutze einen Header und einen Nav-Bereich, um zu verstehen, was dort vor sich geht. Sie können es im Fußzeilenbereich von Blog-Posts verwenden, um auf Dinge über sie zu verweisen, oder so ziemlich überall, wo es perfekt implementiert werden kann.
Das hgroup-Element repräsentiert die Überschrift eines Abschnitts. Dieses Element wird am besten verwendet, um einen Satz von h1-h6 Elementen zu gruppieren, wenn die Überschrift mehrere Ebenen oder Unterüberschriften hat - wie beispielsweise genau der Artikel, den Sie gerade lesen. Dies wäre perfekt für eine hgroup. Sie können es auch für alternative Titel oder Schlagzeilen verwenden.
Das W3C erinnert uns daran:
Für die Zwecke von Dokumentzusammenfassungen, Umrissen und dergleichen ist der Text von hgroup-Elementen definiert als der Text des höchstrangierten h1-h6-Element-Abkömmlings des hgroup-Elements, wenn es solche Elemente gibt, und des ersten Element, wenn mehrere Elemente mit diesem Rang vorhanden sind. Wenn solche Elemente nicht vorhanden sind, ist der Text des Elements hgroup die leere Zeichenfolge.
Andere Verwendungen umfassen beispielsweise Bereiche eines Blogs, in denen Sie die Kopfzeile und den Untertitel für Ihren Blogeintrag auflisten. Sie können sie auch für Buchtitel und -beschreibungen verwenden, um Ärzte in Ihrer Nähe und in ihren Fachgebieten aufzulisten, oder sie sogar dazu verwenden, die Funktionalität einer Tabelle zu replizieren. Sehen wir uns jetzt ein solches Beispiel an. Auf einem Tisch hätten wir:
Doctor Name:
Randy McDocterson
Doctor Specialty
Slapping People
So können Sie im Markup deutlich sehen, dass wir einen Arzt namens Randy McDoctoerson haben, dessen Spezialität es ist, Leute zu schlagen. Nun, das ist ein bisschen seltsam, aber hey - es bringt den Punkt herüber.
Das Header-Tag repräsentiert eine Gruppe von Einführungs- oder Navigationshilfen innerhalb einer Site oder Abschnitte einer Site. Jetzt, wo die formale Definition festgelegt wurde, lasst uns sie ein wenig aufschlüsseln. Wir alle wissen, was ein Header ist, aber um genau zu sein, enthält es verschiedene Dinge auf der Oberseite der meisten Website. Diese Header-Bereiche umfassen normalerweise Branding-Abschnitte, Call-to-Action-Elemente und vielleicht eine Navigation. Wirklich kann es an jedem Ort benutzt werden, an dem du geschrieben hast:
Zu beachten: Es kann in jedem Anfangsbereich eines Abschnitts verwendet werden, da es sich nicht am Anfang oder Anfang des HTML-Dokuments befinden muss. Aber das ist am häufigsten implementiert.
Das Fußzeilenelement stellt eine Fußzeile für den nächsten geschachtelten übergeordneten Abschnitt dar und enthält normalerweise Informationen über seinen übergeordneten Abschnitt. Das Fußzeilen-Tag ist dem Kopfzeilen-Tag sehr ähnlich, aber für den gegenüberliegenden Abschnitt einer Seite. Oftmals werden Sie eine Fußzeile einer Seite sehen, die wieder Links enthält, die in der Navigation waren, und vielleicht ein Logo, oder andere solche Dinge - nun, all diese können jetzt in einem
Irgendein Text hier.
The “address” tag The address element represents the contact information for its nearest article or body element. I think the example best describes this tag so let's dive right in. ../People/Raggett/">Dave Raggett , Arnaud Le Hors ,contact persons for the W3C HTML Activity I think that very aptly describes the address tag, but the W3C would also like to note that typically the address element would be included along with other information in a footer element. So, this would work specifically for the email or link at bottoms of websites (near the copyright information particularly). You can house that in an address element like so: mailto: [email protected] ">John Smith . © copyright 2038 Example Corp. And that just about wraps up all the important elements and new tags for HTML5. Keep in mind though, that wasn't ALL the tags available, but it was some of the more important ones and particularly the ones we will be working with today. HTML5 Template So now that we have learned about HTML5, let's get into coding our own template. Let's start with an average document. Now let's add the stylesheet link, just for good practice, even though we may not use it. Now I think it'd be a good time to start setting up our body element with some structure for us to use on other projects. So with that in mind let's do: Now, as you can see, we have a bit of a place for our content to go. We have a few designated sections. We have a designated header, footer, and section element within the document – but now let's add a navigation element as well. style.css"> HTML5 Template Pretty standard template Home About HTML5
Arnaud Le Hors ,contact persons for the W3C HTML Activity I think that very aptly describes the address tag, but the W3C would also like to note that typically the address element would be included along with other information in a footer element. So, this would work specifically for the email or link at bottoms of websites (near the copyright information particularly). You can house that in an address element like so: mailto: [email protected] ">John Smith . © copyright 2038 Example Corp. And that just about wraps up all the important elements and new tags for HTML5. Keep in mind though, that wasn't ALL the tags available, but it was some of the more important ones and particularly the ones we will be working with today. HTML5 Template So now that we have learned about HTML5, let's get into coding our own template. Let's start with an average document. Now let's add the stylesheet link, just for good practice, even though we may not use it. Now I think it'd be a good time to start setting up our body element with some structure for us to use on other projects. So with that in mind let's do: Now, as you can see, we have a bit of a place for our content to go. We have a few designated sections. We have a designated header, footer, and section element within the document – but now let's add a navigation element as well. style.css"> HTML5 Template Pretty standard template Home About HTML5
The “address” tag The address element represents the contact information for its nearest article or body element. I think the example best describes this tag so let's dive right in. ../People/Raggett/">Dave Raggett , Arnaud Le Hors ,contact persons for the W3C HTML Activity I think that very aptly describes the address tag, but the W3C would also like to note that typically the address element would be included along with other information in a footer element. So, this would work specifically for the email or link at bottoms of websites (near the copyright information particularly). You can house that in an address element like so: mailto: [email protected] ">John Smith . © copyright 2038 Example Corp. And that just about wraps up all the important elements and new tags for HTML5. Keep in mind though, that wasn't ALL the tags available, but it was some of the more important ones and particularly the ones we will be working with today. HTML5 Template So now that we have learned about HTML5, let's get into coding our own template. Let's start with an average document. Now let's add the stylesheet link, just for good practice, even though we may not use it. Now I think it'd be a good time to start setting up our body element with some structure for us to use on other projects. So with that in mind let's do: Now, as you can see, we have a bit of a place for our content to go. We have a few designated sections. We have a designated header, footer, and section element within the document – but now let's add a navigation element as well. style.css"> HTML5 Template Pretty standard template Home About HTML5 The “address” tag The address element represents the contact information for its nearest article or body element. I think the example best describes this tag so let's dive right in. ../People/Raggett/">Dave Raggett , Arnaud Le Hors ,contact persons for the W3C HTML Activity I think that very aptly describes the address tag, but the W3C would also like to note that typically the address element would be included along with other information in a footer element. So, this would work specifically for the email or link at bottoms of websites (near the copyright information particularly). You can house that in an address element like so: mailto: [email protected] ">John Smith . © copyright 2038 Example Corp. And that just about wraps up all the important elements and new tags for HTML5. Keep in mind though, that wasn't ALL the tags available, but it was some of the more important ones and particularly the ones we will be working with today. HTML5 Template So now that we have learned about HTML5, let's get into coding our own template. Let's start with an average document. Now let's add the stylesheet link, just for good practice, even though we may not use it. Now I think it'd be a good time to start setting up our body element with some structure for us to use on other projects. So with that in mind let's do: Now, as you can see, we have a bit of a place for our content to go. We have a few designated sections. We have a designated header, footer, and section element within the document – but now let's add a navigation element as well. style.css"> HTML5 Template Pretty standard template Home About HTML5
The “address” tag The address element represents the contact information for its nearest article or body element. I think the example best describes this tag so let's dive right in. ../People/Raggett/">Dave Raggett , Arnaud Le Hors ,contact persons for the W3C HTML Activity I think that very aptly describes the address tag, but the W3C would also like to note that typically the address element would be included along with other information in a footer element. So, this would work specifically for the email or link at bottoms of websites (near the copyright information particularly). You can house that in an address element like so: mailto: [email protected] ">John Smith . © copyright 2038 Example Corp. And that just about wraps up all the important elements and new tags for HTML5. Keep in mind though, that wasn't ALL the tags available, but it was some of the more important ones and particularly the ones we will be working with today. HTML5 Template So now that we have learned about HTML5, let's get into coding our own template. Let's start with an average document. Now let's add the stylesheet link, just for good practice, even though we may not use it. Now I think it'd be a good time to start setting up our body element with some structure for us to use on other projects. So with that in mind let's do: Now, as you can see, we have a bit of a place for our content to go. We have a few designated sections. We have a designated header, footer, and section element within the document – but now let's add a navigation element as well. style.css"> HTML5 Template Pretty standard template Home About HTML5
The “address” tag The address element represents the contact information for its nearest article or body element. I think the example best describes this tag so let's dive right in. ../People/Raggett/">Dave Raggett , Arnaud Le Hors ,contact persons for the W3C HTML Activity I think that very aptly describes the address tag, but the W3C would also like to note that typically the address element would be included along with other information in a footer element. So, this would work specifically for the email or link at bottoms of websites (near the copyright information particularly). You can house that in an address element like so: mailto: [email protected] ">John Smith . © copyright 2038 Example Corp. And that just about wraps up all the important elements and new tags for HTML5. Keep in mind though, that wasn't ALL the tags available, but it was some of the more important ones and particularly the ones we will be working with today. HTML5 Template So now that we have learned about HTML5, let's get into coding our own template. Let's start with an average document. Now let's add the stylesheet link, just for good practice, even though we may not use it. Now I think it'd be a good time to start setting up our body element with some structure for us to use on other projects. So with that in mind let's do: Now, as you can see, we have a bit of a place for our content to go. We have a few designated sections. We have a designated header, footer, and section element within the document – but now let's add a navigation element as well. style.css"> HTML5 Template Pretty standard template Home About HTML5
The “address” tag The address element represents the contact information for its nearest article or body element. I think the example best describes this tag so let's dive right in. ../People/Raggett/">Dave Raggett , Arnaud Le Hors ,contact persons for the W3C HTML Activity I think that very aptly describes the address tag, but the W3C would also like to note that typically the address element would be included along with other information in a footer element. So, this would work specifically for the email or link at bottoms of websites (near the copyright information particularly). You can house that in an address element like so: mailto: [email protected] ">John Smith . © copyright 2038 Example Corp. And that just about wraps up all the important elements and new tags for HTML5. Keep in mind though, that wasn't ALL the tags available, but it was some of the more important ones and particularly the ones we will be working with today. HTML5 Template So now that we have learned about HTML5, let's get into coding our own template. Let's start with an average document. Now let's add the stylesheet link, just for good practice, even though we may not use it. Now I think it'd be a good time to start setting up our body element with some structure for us to use on other projects. So with that in mind let's do: Now, as you can see, we have a bit of a place for our content to go. We have a few designated sections. We have a designated header, footer, and section element within the document – but now let's add a navigation element as well. style.css"> HTML5 Template Pretty standard template Home About HTML5
The “address” tag The address element represents the contact information for its nearest article or body element. I think the example best describes this tag so let's dive right in. ../People/Raggett/">Dave Raggett , Arnaud Le Hors ,contact persons for the W3C HTML Activity I think that very aptly describes the address tag, but the W3C would also like to note that typically the address element would be included along with other information in a footer element. So, this would work specifically for the email or link at bottoms of websites (near the copyright information particularly). You can house that in an address element like so: mailto: [email protected] ">John Smith . © copyright 2038 Example Corp. And that just about wraps up all the important elements and new tags for HTML5. Keep in mind though, that wasn't ALL the tags available, but it was some of the more important ones and particularly the ones we will be working with today. HTML5 Template So now that we have learned about HTML5, let's get into coding our own template. Let's start with an average document. Now let's add the stylesheet link, just for good practice, even though we may not use it. Now I think it'd be a good time to start setting up our body element with some structure for us to use on other projects. So with that in mind let's do: Now, as you can see, we have a bit of a place for our content to go. We have a few designated sections. We have a designated header, footer, and section element within the document – but now let's add a navigation element as well. style.css"> HTML5 Template Pretty standard template Home About HTML5
The “address” tag The address element represents the contact information for its nearest article or body element. I think the example best describes this tag so let's dive right in. ../People/Raggett/">Dave Raggett , Arnaud Le Hors ,contact persons for the W3C HTML Activity I think that very aptly describes the address tag, but the W3C would also like to note that typically the address element would be included along with other information in a footer element. So, this would work specifically for the email or link at bottoms of websites (near the copyright information particularly). You can house that in an address element like so: mailto: [email protected] ">John Smith . © copyright 2038 Example Corp. And that just about wraps up all the important elements and new tags for HTML5. Keep in mind though, that wasn't ALL the tags available, but it was some of the more important ones and particularly the ones we will be working with today. HTML5 Template So now that we have learned about HTML5, let's get into coding our own template. Let's start with an average document. Now let's add the stylesheet link, just for good practice, even though we may not use it. Now I think it'd be a good time to start setting up our body element with some structure for us to use on other projects. So with that in mind let's do: Now, as you can see, we have a bit of a place for our content to go. We have a few designated sections. We have a designated header, footer, and section element within the document – but now let's add a navigation element as well. style.css"> HTML5 Template Pretty standard template Home About HTML5
HTML5 Template
The “address” tag The address element represents the contact information for its nearest article or body element. I think the example best describes this tag so let's dive right in. ../People/Raggett/">Dave Raggett , Arnaud Le Hors ,contact persons for the W3C HTML Activity I think that very aptly describes the address tag, but the W3C would also like to note that typically the address element would be included along with other information in a footer element. So, this would work specifically for the email or link at bottoms of websites (near the copyright information particularly). You can house that in an address element like so: mailto: [email protected] ">John Smith . © copyright 2038 Example Corp. And that just about wraps up all the important elements and new tags for HTML5. Keep in mind though, that wasn't ALL the tags available, but it was some of the more important ones and particularly the ones we will be working with today. HTML5 Template So now that we have learned about HTML5, let's get into coding our own template. Let's start with an average document. Now let's add the stylesheet link, just for good practice, even though we may not use it. Now I think it'd be a good time to start setting up our body element with some structure for us to use on other projects. So with that in mind let's do: Now, as you can see, we have a bit of a place for our content to go. We have a few designated sections. We have a designated header, footer, and section element within the document – but now let's add a navigation element as well. style.css"> HTML5 Template Pretty standard template Home About HTML5
HTML5 Template
The “address” tag The address element represents the contact information for its nearest article or body element. I think the example best describes this tag so let's dive right in. ../People/Raggett/">Dave Raggett , Arnaud Le Hors ,contact persons for the W3C HTML Activity I think that very aptly describes the address tag, but the W3C would also like to note that typically the address element would be included along with other information in a footer element. So, this would work specifically for the email or link at bottoms of websites (near the copyright information particularly). You can house that in an address element like so: mailto: [email protected] ">John Smith . © copyright 2038 Example Corp. And that just about wraps up all the important elements and new tags for HTML5. Keep in mind though, that wasn't ALL the tags available, but it was some of the more important ones and particularly the ones we will be working with today. HTML5 Template So now that we have learned about HTML5, let's get into coding our own template. Let's start with an average document. Now let's add the stylesheet link, just for good practice, even though we may not use it. Now I think it'd be a good time to start setting up our body element with some structure for us to use on other projects. So with that in mind let's do: Now, as you can see, we have a bit of a place for our content to go. We have a few designated sections. We have a designated header, footer, and section element within the document – but now let's add a navigation element as well. style.css"> HTML5 Template Pretty standard template Home About HTML5
HTML5 Template The “address” tag The address element represents the contact information for its nearest article or body element. I think the example best describes this tag so let's dive right in. ../People/Raggett/">Dave Raggett , Arnaud Le Hors ,contact persons for the W3C HTML Activity I think that very aptly describes the address tag, but the W3C would also like to note that typically the address element would be included along with other information in a footer element. So, this would work specifically for the email or link at bottoms of websites (near the copyright information particularly). You can house that in an address element like so: mailto: [email protected] ">John Smith . © copyright 2038 Example Corp. And that just about wraps up all the important elements and new tags for HTML5. Keep in mind though, that wasn't ALL the tags available, but it was some of the more important ones and particularly the ones we will be working with today. HTML5 Template So now that we have learned about HTML5, let's get into coding our own template. Let's start with an average document. Now let's add the stylesheet link, just for good practice, even though we may not use it. Now I think it'd be a good time to start setting up our body element with some structure for us to use on other projects. So with that in mind let's do: Now, as you can see, we have a bit of a place for our content to go. We have a few designated sections. We have a designated header, footer, and section element within the document – but now let's add a navigation element as well. style.css"> HTML5 Template Pretty standard template Home About HTML5
HTML5 Template Arnaud Le Hors ,contact persons for the W3C HTML Activity I think that very aptly describes the address tag, but the W3C would also like to note that typically the address element would be included along with other information in a footer element. So, this would work specifically for the email or link at bottoms of websites (near the copyright information particularly). You can house that in an address element like so: mailto: [email protected] ">John Smith . © copyright 2038 Example Corp. And that just about wraps up all the important elements and new tags for HTML5. Keep in mind though, that wasn't ALL the tags available, but it was some of the more important ones and particularly the ones we will be working with today. HTML5 Template So now that we have learned about HTML5, let's get into coding our own template. Let's start with an average document. Now let's add the stylesheet link, just for good practice, even though we may not use it. Now I think it'd be a good time to start setting up our body element with some structure for us to use on other projects. So with that in mind let's do: Now, as you can see, we have a bit of a place for our content to go. We have a few designated sections. We have a designated header, footer, and section element within the document – but now let's add a navigation element as well. style.css"> HTML5 Template Pretty standard template Home About HTML5The “address” tag The address element represents the contact information for its nearest article or body element. I think the example best describes this tag so let's dive right in. ../People/Raggett/">Dave Raggett , Arnaud Le Hors ,contact persons for the W3C HTML Activity I think that very aptly describes the address tag, but the W3C would also like to note that typically the address element would be included along with other information in a footer element. So, this would work specifically for the email or link at bottoms of websites (near the copyright information particularly). You can house that in an address element like so: mailto: [email protected] ">John Smith . © copyright 2038 Example Corp. And that just about wraps up all the important elements and new tags for HTML5. Keep in mind though, that wasn't ALL the tags available, but it was some of the more important ones and particularly the ones we will be working with today. HTML5 Template So now that we have learned about HTML5, let's get into coding our own template. Let's start with an average document. Now let's add the stylesheet link, just for good practice, even though we may not use it. Now I think it'd be a good time to start setting up our body element with some structure for us to use on other projects. So with that in mind let's do: Now, as you can see, we have a bit of a place for our content to go. We have a few designated sections. We have a designated header, footer, and section element within the document – but now let's add a navigation element as well. style.css"> HTML5 Template Pretty standard template Home About HTML5
The “address” tag The address element represents the contact information for its nearest article or body element. I think the example best describes this tag so let's dive right in. ../People/Raggett/">Dave Raggett , Arnaud Le Hors ,contact persons for the W3C HTML Activity I think that very aptly describes the address tag, but the W3C would also like to note that typically the address element would be included along with other information in a footer element. So, this would work specifically for the email or link at bottoms of websites (near the copyright information particularly). You can house that in an address element like so: mailto: [email protected] ">John Smith . © copyright 2038 Example Corp. And that just about wraps up all the important elements and new tags for HTML5. Keep in mind though, that wasn't ALL the tags available, but it was some of the more important ones and particularly the ones we will be working with today. HTML5 Template So now that we have learned about HTML5, let's get into coding our own template. Let's start with an average document. Now let's add the stylesheet link, just for good practice, even though we may not use it. Now I think it'd be a good time to start setting up our body element with some structure for us to use on other projects. So with that in mind let's do: Now, as you can see, we have a bit of a place for our content to go. We have a few designated sections. We have a designated header, footer, and section element within the document – but now let's add a navigation element as well. style.css"> HTML5 Template Pretty standard template Home About HTML5
Und da sind wir, wir haben eine Navigation mit einer netten ungeordneten Liste dort im Header-Bereich hinzugefügt. Aber warte eine Minute. Was ist, wenn Sie eine schöne große Fußzeile haben und diese gleichen Navigationselemente auch in der Fußzeile haben möchten. Nun, lass es uns dort auch hinzufügen. Außer, dieses Mal werden wir das nicht benutzen
HTML5 Template Über HTML5Jetzt fügen wir einige Bits für IE und andere solche technischen Details hinzu.
HTML5 Template HTML5-Vorlage
Hübsche Standardvorlage
Und da haben wir es: eine einfache, aber komplette HTML5-Vorlage!
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